Our think-tank, Strategic Insights, is dedicated to researching and analyzing the intricate landscape of social media influence operations, information warfare, and fifth-generation warfare.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to empower organizations with cutting-edge research and analysis in the realm of social media influence, information warfare, and fifth-generation warfare.

We aim to:

  • Investigate evolving threat landscapes in the digital realm.

  • Develop strategies to mitigate risks and enhance resilience against disinformation and malicious influence.

  • Collaborate with organizations to foster a deeper understanding of contemporary warfare and information manipulation tactics.

  • Equip decision-makers with actionable insights to navigate the complexities of the modern information age.

Research Areas

Social Media Influence Operations

Our think-tank conducts in-depth research on social media influence operations, exploring the tactics, networks, and impact of orchestrated campaigns. We provide actionable recommendations to help organizations detect, counter, and prevent harmful influence.

Information Warfare

Specializing in proactive analysis of information warfare strategies, disinformation, propaganda, and psychological operations. Our research empowers organizations to be proactive in safeguarding their interests and credibility against misinformation campaigns.

Fifth-Generation Warfare

Exploring the nuances of fifth-generation warfare, we study emerging trends, disruptive technologies, and asymmetric threats. Our insights assist organizations in devising adaptive strategies to combat contemporary security challenges.

Cybersecurity Threats and Trends

Understanding the evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, we conduct proactive research to identify vulnerabilities and potential attacks. Our approach focuses on proactive measures to strengthen digital defenses and mitigate cybersecurity risks effectively.

Cyber Intelligence Research and Analysis

Delving into the realm of cyber intelligence, we proactively gather, analyze, and interpret information from various sources to identify potential threats and malicious activities. Our proactive intelligence gathering aids in making informed decisions to enhance organizational security.

How We Can Help

  • Proactive Research Solutions

    Tailored research projects that proactively identify and address specific challenges faced by your organization, providing actionable intelligence and strategic recommendations to eliminate threats at their roots.

  • Training and Workshops

    Proactive specialized training programs and workshops that educate your team about the latest threat vectors, best practices, and resilience-building strategies, empowering them to proactively stay ahead of potential threats.

  • Strategy Consulting

    Expert guidance in developing proactive policies and strategies to mitigate risks associated with influence operations and disinformation campaigns, ensuring a proactive approach to organizational security.

  • Scenario Planning and Risk Assessments

    Proactive and comprehensive scenario planning and risk assessments that enable organizations to anticipate, plan for, and proactively mitigate potential threats and vulnerabilities.

  • Collaborative Research Partnerships

    Establishing collaborative research partnerships with organizations to pool resources and knowledge, fostering proactive research efforts that address evolving threats and challenges in a collaborative and synergistic manner.

Research Area Segmentation Breakdown

Last Updated: May 28, 2024

At Strategic Insights, our research efforts are segmented into various critical domains, enabling a comprehensive understanding of modern security challenges. Here is a breakdown of how our research is distributed across different areas:

Publications and Reports

To access our publications and reports or request specific research materials, we invite you to get in touch with us.

Our team will be more than happy to assist you and provide the information you seek.

Looking to work with us?

Contact us and we will reach out to explore joint opportunities